We can confirm the move for Scouting in Wales to the Yellow readiness level from 3 May.
What does Yellow mean for me and my Section/Group?
- A yellow risk assessment needs to be approved locally in line with the Scouts Framework.
- Although indoor activities are allowed, to make sure we do all we can to minimise the spread of the virus, we’d encourage you to continue to Scout outdoors where possible, and weather permitting.
Scouts have created a framework based on readiness levels that is to be used to guide you on what Scouting activities are appropriate depending on the current level.
Details of this framework and the current readiness level can be found here: Getting back together safely | Scouts
At each readiness level you will need to complete and submit a risk assessment for approval before you can go ahead with any new activities. The template for the risk assessment is available here, along with the form to submit the completed assessment for approval: Approval process for restart: Requestor | Scouts
For Montgomeryshire, the district approver is Steve Ellis and his email address for this is approver@montgomeryshirescouts.org.uk.
If you want to talk through anything before submitting a risk assessment please feel free to get in touch.
Yours in Scouting,
Andrew Chick
District Commissioner